Homeschool Elementary Music Class
Homeschool Elementary music classes can range anywhere from 10-20 students in a class. Classes are 1 hour long and the cost is $350 (August-December or January-May, a total of 14 weeks including Thanksgiving Break and Spring Break).
General music classes are for elementary-aged kids (K-5) and are centered around having the same experience they would in a public school setting. Each grade level will have its own lessons and experiences with music. Having a consistent music schedule will help your child exceed in their virtual and homeschool studies and help with being at home.
The following are some of the different objectives you can expect your child to learn at each grade level through multiple different activities. All grade levels will include songs and lessons that are culturally diverse, correlate to academic studies, and have students sing, say, dance, and play in a tuneful, beatful, artful way:
Kindergarten/1st grade (ages 5-7)
Feeling the beat in different types of music and time signatures (Let's skip to the beat)
Solfege (Do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, ti, do)
Basic rhythms (what they feel like)
Exploring musical elements through Laban movement
Arioso (improvisation and confidence building)
Call and response
Simple songs
Pitch recognition (Low, High)
Echo Songs
Movement (can you sing and move?)
Dynamics (loud and soft)
2nd/3rd grade (ages 7-9)
Solfege correlation with tradition notation
Basic rhythms traditional notation
Correlating warm ups to songs (practicing 4/4 time and learning a song in 4/4 time)
Call and Response (ear training)
Basic Songs
Movement with music
Drum circle chants
Form analysis (AB and ABA)
Musical Vocabulary
Exploring musical elements through Laban movement
Creating a story through music
4th/5th grade (ages 9-11)
Notation reading
Correlating how rhythms sound to how they look.
Correlating warm ups to songs (practicing 4/4 time and learning a song in 4/4 time)
Call and Response (ear training)
More complex songs with meaning and value
Movement with music
Ensemble playing
Singing on pitch and with correct vocal technique to most songs
Creating and teaching songs and movements
Exploring band and orchestra ( what they look and sound like)
Aurally identifying instruments and sounds
Exploring musical elements through Laban movement